Friday 31 May 2024

Exmoor Photography Course Blog May 2024

Exmoor Photography Course Blog May 2024:

Great weather on Exmoor for this month’s Landscape courses, everything is looking so stunning. Some Ham Wall bird photography specials completed and a lovely finish to this seasons Steart Marsh Bird photography specials.

I am showing clients how to properly use stopper filters on a lot of the all-day landscape courses. Although there is a section on filters during the day soft water is a bit like marmite, some people love it some people hate it. I rather like them ‘sometimes’ they can add nice patterns and shapes to the water.

Ham Wall has been interesting as always with plenty of opportunity for clients to practice BIF (birds in flight) amongst the other settings and techniques we cover. Some people ‘got’ it straight away, while others were successfully achieving sharp BIF shots by the end of the day, this is always lovely to help people with, who perhaps had previously struggled. I think the highlight one day was a very obliging pair of Great Crested Grebes with 3 very small ‘humbugs’. Some customers even had some great views of a pair of Cranes.

The final visits to Steart Marshes this season didn’t disappoint with everyone having plenty of opportunity to advance their BIF technique with our guidance and advice.

I could waffle on but perhaps have a look at the reviews we have received so far this season. Hopefully they give you a better understanding of what we are all about.

The Kingfisher Hide Flash Sale ends tomorrow, Saturday 01 06 2024.

As with all our workshops you can now book these online.

Landscape, Birding & Nature Photography Lessons, confidence & knowledge in a friendly, relaxed, creative environment.

To book you’re place for any of our workshops please contact Alison.

T: 01643 702312

book online:


Thank you.


Exmoor Photography Ltd

Customer Reviews:



Saturday 4 November 2023

Red Deer Rut Specials October 2023 Final Blog


#everyone @everyone

Red Deer Rut Specials October 2023 Final Blog:

Please share if your family, friends or works colleagues may be interested, thank you.

Red deer rut gallery prints sales:

Another fully booked red deer rut successfully finished for 2023. I think every client left with some images to be proud of and every single stag left where we found it, my absolute golden rule.

The rut felt a little late this season because of the extremely hot weather in the first week. Although the hinds will still come into season the stags can be a little ‘lazy’ in hot weather. We only lost 2 days this year to severe weather forecast. Obviously, its Exmoor in October and stalking deer will mean getting a little wet and possibly muddy!

 A massive thank you to everyone who attended this month; it really does make our job so much easier when clients listen to our advice, knowledge of field craft and experience when deer stalking. You were all fantastic, great company and we and some laughs along the way, so it was our pleasure to welcome some of you to Exmoor for the very first time. Some people also actually laughed at my jokes!

 I also must thank Jamie and Alison, Jamie for all the early starts, his efforts during the stalks and putting up with my chattering in his ear! Obviously, my job is to advise and check camera settings, spot deer, and help plan the stalking. However, because of my disability I really am too slow now and some of the locations would be difficult for me to get to.

Even on his last day with me this rut he probably did one of the most punishing stalks this season, but he absolutely nailed it. Both clients came back beaming, delighted with the images they captured.

Jamie wasn’t available for the final day this week, so Alison kindly stood in. Although Alison has been stalking with me before it’s been a while, but she absolutely smashed it! With help and some guidance from me she and the client Brian successfully stalked all the days stags, leaving them where they found them.

Again, thank you, Alison, for all the very early starts, the booking process and warm welcome with all the clients at the meet and greet. I know I am a very, very lucky man.

I spend the best part of 6 weeks before and during the rut scouting the ‘usual’ stag locations in preparation for our clients. I am completely shattered now and hurting a bit but what a great rut it’s been. We have witnessed some terrific sunrises this month and spotted some other wildlife on our travels around Exmoor including Foxes, Fieldfare, Golden Plover, Hen Harriers, Barn Owl, Buzzards, Kestrels and 10 Red Kites together on Molland Moor!

We have received some lovely reviews this month, thank you.


Christmas Gift & e-vouchers available now:

Jack & Alison

Exmoor Photography




Sunday 24 September 2023

Exmoor Photography Course Gift Vouchers


Exmoor Photography Course Gift Vouchers & e-Vouchers:

Exmoor National Park, North Devon & Somerset

Please share if your family, friends or works colleagues may be interested, thank you.

Landscape workshops, birding, and wildlife specials, flexible for all photography levels.

Wrap up Christmas with our workshop and course gift vouchers available online here:


Sunday 10 September 2023

Exmoor Photography Course 2024 season


Exmoor Photography Course

Exmoor National Park, North Devon & Somerset

Please share if your family, friends or works colleagues may be interested, thank you.

Now Booking 2024

Landscape workshops, birding, and wildlife specials, flexible for all photography levels.

book online:


Tuesday 29 August 2023

Exmoor Photography Course Kingfisher Hide 2023 blog final

Exmoor Photography Course

Kingfisher Hide 2023 blog final: Please Share – Thank You

Fully booked every day last 2 weeks plus with some great Kingfisher photography completed by all. Perhaps the best day for me was a ‘mates’ day which I spent with my friend Mr S who is poorly just now. But I think watching Kingfishers lifted his spirits. We had what I can only describe as an epic day. With at least 5 juvenile Kingfishers chasing each other about at times, including an ongoing ‘spat’ between one pair that lasted for over 4 hours! I have seen this several times over the years, but this was truly exceptional. This pair really did not like each other some of the most vicious fighting between Kingfishers I have ever observed.  The light was awful we were stuck under very dark clouds all day, so I had to use all my knowledge and experience while pushing the camera to its limits. With a huge dose of luck mixed in as well! I cannot think of a better person to have shared this experience with, thank you Mr S. At times we were both grinning from ear to ear. Considering that Kingfisher when not perched do everything else at a fast and furious pace, you must be ‘in the zone’ and concentrating. What a memorable day that I will never forget. I’ve cherry picked some my favourites.

Please visit the website here to see more:

Kingfisher including juveniles are very territorial birds and with fight sometimes ending up in the river where one can drown the other. The spat is often started with lots of calling, wing displaying and sitting bolt upright ‘bowing’ very slowly. I have often seen perched Kingfishers ‘torpedoed’ off the perch by another Kingfisher flying very fast straight at it. Most spats are short with one bird conceding very quickly.

I completed the last Kingfisher hide session of the season yesterday (bank holiday Monday). Alison and I would like to thank all the Kingfisher clients this season, everyone has been fantastic respecting the birds and their habitat. It has been a pleasure to share the experience with you all. I am already looking forward to running them again next season. Please keep an eye on the website for updates.



Exmoor Photography Ltd


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Customer Reviews:

Saturday 12 August 2023

Exmoor Photography Course Kingfisher Hide Specials 2023 Blog#4


Exmoor Photography Course

Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) Hide 2023 blog#4:

Please Share – Thank You

I have really enjoyed sharing the Kingfishers with everyone again this week. Lots of great images captured by everyone. It’s been an eclectic mix of cameras from older DSLR (can’t believe I’m saying that) to the latest mirrorless models with eye detection. Yes, the technology does make the ‘action’ shots a little easier but some of my favourites this week were taken with a DSLR. You still can’t beat a person’s knowledge behind the camera. One of the best moments of many for me, was a client who has never seen a Kingfisher before, it was a pleasure to share with her. Obviously, visits are never guaranteed but as I ask everyone at the morning briefing ‘keep as quiet as possible, silence should mean kingfisher activity.’ This has been the case, so well done everybody.

Another lovely review. Thank very much, Kirsty.
Kingfisher review: By Kirsty
Course Date: 09 08 2023
Another wonderful day with Exmoor Photography. Beyond all expectations. My aim was to see a kingfisher. 389 photographs later I think I can say that I definitely achieved my aim. There kingfishers, fishing, catching fish, preening, posing and so much more. Jack's briefing before we set off for the hide was excellent and the help sheets, he gave us for when he had left us were invaluable. Alison kept us going with tea, coffee, flapjacks, and chocolate muffins. We almost didn't let them into the hide when they came to collect us as we were having such a great time!

Kingfishers will toss fish in the air between its beak to turn the fish initially to bash its head and then to turn it so they can swallow the fish headfirst. Very young juveniles fending for themselves for the first few days can often drop the fish while doing this. Its amazing how quickly they learn I have often seen birds dropping fish one day and the very next morning the same bird is striking, bashing, and eating like an expert Kingfisher!
Another thing I have noticed over the years is the mid-air acrobatics. They can hover and often perform body twist and turns when doing a fish strike, 10/10!
Juvenile Kingfishers: Female has smaller orange bib on lower beak, often referred to as its lipstick and muddy orange/black feet.
Male has black beak and muddy orange/black feet. Both young juveniles have white tips on their beaks.



Exmoor Photography Ltd

For image sales click the following link:

Thursday 13 April 2023


Exmoor Photography Course

Please share if your family, friends or works colleagues may be interested.
Are you thinking of starting a new hobby or just simply want to improve your photography?
We can help you on your photography journey. We offer a unique introduction to digital photography.
Landscape, Birding & Nature Specials, confidence & knowledge in a friendly, relaxed, creative environment, flexible for all photography levels including complete beginners.
Location: Exmoor National Park & Somerset Levels.
Intimate group numbers of up to 3 persons, only 2 if wildlife special, also available as 1:1.
We guarantee you will finish your day with more knowledge than when you started.
We promote ethical wildlife photography.

· New & Updated Workshop & Field Guides 2023
· 4 Hour Taster Workshop
· Standard Landscape Course (Day)
· Dipper Day Special
· Somerset Levels Ham Wall Birding Special (Day)
· NEW: Steart Marshes Birding Photography Special (New Workshop) Dates Going Fast
· Red Deer Rut Special (Day)
· Exmoor Photography Kingfisher Hide Special (Subject To Availability)

To book you’re place for any of our workshops please  use the following link and book online.
Thank you
Exmoor Photography Ltd
Celebrating 15 plus Years


Customer Reviews:


Tuesday 28 February 2023


Exmoor Photography Course New Workshop 2023:

New photography workshop at Steart Marshes, nature reserve.

Now booking:

 Please share if your family, friends or works colleagues may be interested:

We are excited to announce we are adding a new workshop to our portfolio.

Although a relatively new reserve Steart Marshes has quickly developed into a fantastic site for bird photography and birding in general, thanks to all the hard work of the WWT staff and volunteers.

It can be a particularly good location if you need to improve your BIF (bird in flight) technique and settings. We will be visiting the reserve in the spring (specified dates only) to photograph breeding and summer visitors. Jack visits the reserve regularly; some of the islands can be occupied with juvenile birds and often frenzied adults trying to protect them. However, there will be an emphasis of photographing the Avocet and their chicks.

The reserve site has well maintained paths that allow good access for anyone with limited mobility.

Please Note: we are running this new workshop on specific dates only during April and May 2023.

As with all our workshops the dates must be pre-booked, please see the ‘Online Booking & Payment Page Steart Marsh’ or you can contact Alison if you have any questions regarding your booking.

This is a photography workshop run by Exmoor Photography and is in no way connected with the WWT or their staff, although they are aware of our workshops and have given us permission to run them. We will be making a donation to the WWT for each date we visit.

 Please visit website for all our other workshops available in 2023:




Exmoor Photography | Steart Marshes


To book you’re place for any of our workshops please contact Alison

On T: 01643 702312 or use the following link and book online.

Thank you


Exmoor Photography Ltd

Jack & Alison

The Exmoor Photography Team

Saturday 25 February 2023



Exmoor Photography Course

Landscape workshops, birding and wildlife specials, flexible for all photography levels including complete beginners.

book online:
