Friday, 14 May 2010


We went to the Gigrin farm feeding station in March this year for the first time.
Arriving early (nothing to do with my driving) we set up our gear in one of the ground floor hides and waited. Not for long as it turned out, the first specks appeared on the horizon floating on the thermals. The Buzzards and crows came in first and began to sort out the best places to wait. The Red Kites not far behind arrived and put up most of the Buzzards and Crows. When the tractor arrived with its load of feed, I was surprised at how quickly the feeding frenzy began. The Buzzards and crows squabbled with each other, but the Kites were obviously dominant. They began to swoop in a bit like Hobbies and snatch their food on in the wing, it was amazing to watch and very fast. We stayed for 4 hours in the end, what a very rewarding day out. I think next time I go, I will try one of the new hides upstairs and you definitely need a 'blue sky' sunny day for photography.
Click here for website Gallery

1 comment:

minkymoo said...

Great pics Jack, as always!
This one is on my list of things to do!