Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Red Kites Gigrin Farm

Went back to Gigrin Farm with Jane and Katie on the 17th of December. Drove up in heavy snow, took us 3 hours to get there and 5 to get back!!! There was a good foot of snow when we arrived and another 2” on the car when we left. Glad I put new all terrain tyres on the Disco this year, they performed really well.
The feeding was amazing; the cold weather had definitely brought more birds in. At one point the sky was black with Red Kites. There were also a lot of Buzzards, Kestrel, Hen Harrier and a very brave Grey Heron! We were lucky with the weather it stopped snowing for and hour and then started again in the last 15mins before we left.
One of the best days photography I have ever had, I managed to get all the shots I wanted and more. I will update the website gallery in the New Year. I have quite a back log of images to catalogue as usual.

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