Thursday, 15 December 2016

Exmoor Photography New Book & Christmas News letter 2016

2016 has been another good year for us here at Exmoor Photography. The photography courses have continued to grow in popularity and are becoming the main focus of our business. Gallery sales have also been very good this year both from customers visiting us at the shop and through our online sales at
“Jack has worked all hours to try and finish his new book before Christmas and although it is now ready, because he was not happy with the first print run, it had to be re-ordered and unfortunately the stock will not arrive in time for Christmas.” Alison
We would like to wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Very best wishes Alison, Jack & Jamie. We are so very grateful for your continued support and custom.
The Exmoor Photography Team.
New photography course types will be advertised in the New Year, watch this space!

Our Christmas opening hours will be (subject to change)
Saturday 24th (Xmas Eve)                       10.00 am - 4.00 pm
Sunday 25th (Xmas Day)                          CLOSED
Monday 26th (Boxing Day)                       CLOSED
Tuesday 27th until Tuesday 3rd January   CLOSED

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